Proton Kid | Artist | Dark DnB


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The Upbeats
Denver we love and miss you, can’t wait to be back. Tickets:
@ThysMusic We used to call that the poor man’s sidechain in hardcore.
@EduardoHagn What a lil bitch so he should
Andy C
This week!! Thursday - @dourfestival 🇧🇪 Sunday @electricbayfest 🇬🇧
@xlnaudio Fairfax looks great! Already have the Funk set which is stellar, but time to expand :D
@Protostar @xlnaudio Hahaha, will take a look!
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Naicu Darius aka Proton Kid, born on the 31th October 1985 in a Romanian city called Brasov.

His passion for electronic music started at the fragile age of 6, when he first listened to one of that time?s hits from The Prodigy. He didn?t know much about music then, but he realised that this was the kind of music he will be into. The oldschool synth and breaks from The Prodigy and Acen made a big impact on him later, when he developed his sense of music.

By the age of 15 things took a very drastic change, when he started to listen to rock bands, especially death metal/black metal ones.

One year later, when he was checking one of his friends CD collection, he found Ejay.

He was so excited about what could Techno Ejay do with sounds, that he was determined to become a music producer, no matter what.
He juggled with techno/electro beats and loops for a couple of years, never took producing to seriously, until he found Fruitty Loops studio, which showed him how poor and unprofessional was the first soft.

Then he really begun to feel the magic of composing and generating sounds. This was around 2002, and one year later he stopped listening to underground rock, to make space for electronic music again.

He was very influenced by Aphex Twin and Squarepusher in highschool, so he tried to make some IDM/experimantal tracks, but he was unsatisfied by that genre, and it was a pretty damn hard music to make.
Returning to his love, The prodigy, and studying some melodic lines and basslines, he gathered some loops and synths to create some breakbeat/techno tunes.
He was loving it, and making it for him and his friends.
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